At rollApp we are continually expanding the collection of apps available to you in our cloud. Check out some of the other apps we’ve added recently. You can find these and many other apps at
PDF Mod is a simple tool for modifying PDF documents. It can rotate, extract, remove and reorder pages via drag and drop. You can also add/edit the title, subject, author and keywords of a PDF document using PDF Mod. Multiple documents may be combined via drag and drop.
Xmind is a powerful creative tool that makes it simple to gather, analyze and share your ideas with others. It’s one of the most popular mind mapping tools. XMind has simple and intuitive interface that makes you focused only on what really matters — your ideas. XMind supports exporting to a lot of formats such as Microsoft Word, PDF, HTML, PNG, JPEG, and other.
SOFA — Statistics Open For All — is a user-friendly statistics, analysis, & reporting program. SOFA lets you display results in an attractive format ready to share, make charts, produce attractive report tables, perform a range of basic statistical tests.
GnuCash is a personal and small-business financial-accounting software. GnuCash allows you to track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses. It has double-entry bookkeeping, scheduled transactions, mortgage and loan repayment assistant, small business accounting features, multi-currency transaction handling, and other features.
SOFA is an Open Source framework primarily targeted at real-time simulation, with an emphasis on medical simulation. It is mostly intended for the research community to help develop newer algorithms, but can also be used as an efficient prototyping tool.