rollApp lets you run desktop apps, work with files, get things done — right from the browser on any device.

Recent app updates: LibreOffice, Inkscape and others

At rollApp we always work to keep applications in our app collection up to date. Here are some of the recent updates!

LibreOffice updated to 4.4, The Most Beautiful LibreOffice Ever. As usual, available in the cloud on rollApp, on the Chrome Web Store, on Amazon App Store and on Firefox Marketplace

Updated version features

  • user interface has been improved in a significant way
  • extended interoperability with OOXML file formats
  • digital signing of PDF files
  • improved Track Changes
  • improved import filters for various types of files

OpenOffice updated to 4.1.1. This version has been out for some time already and is now available in the cloud on our website, on the Chrome Web Store, on Amazon App Store and on Firefox Marketplace.

Inkscape version 0.91 has been released! – the Inkscape community proudly announced. And now it’s available in the cloud on rollApp – we add.

This release marks the culmination of a multi-year effort to switch to a new internal graphics rendering engine. This brings performance enhancements and more accurate rendering of drawings. And many other changes and improvements.


Brackets 1.1 is also now available on rollApp. Brackets is a lightweight, yet powerful, modern text editor. It blends visual tools into the editor so you get the right amount of help when you want it. With new features and extensions released every 3-4 weeks, it’s like getting presents all year long.

Stay tuned and follow our news on TwitterFacebookGoogle+.

Archivers for Chromebooks, iPad, Kindle and Android tablets. How to extract and pack files easily

File archives are an important part of our workflows. They are convenient to download and forward. They are compact and lightweight. There is no better way put together a bunch of files and make sure that they are treated as a whole.

Every once in a while all of us have to deal with a zipped file. Unlike Windows or Mac, which have built-in functions to open and create file archives, on other platforms tools for convenient management of archives are often lacking. For example, on Chromebooks when you open .zip file it mounts like an external drive and there is no clear interface for extracting zipped files. Creating archives is even more complicated.

There are many powerful archive management applications for established desktop platforms. Unfortunately, out-of-the-box they are not available on new platforms and devices like Chromebooks and tablets. rollApp solves that problem by offering full-featured cloud version of great archive managers: PeaZip and File Roller.

Peazip and File Roller on rollApp are available on any device with a browser. Integrated with cloud storage like Dropbox and Google Drive for easier access to files.

PeaZip online via rollApp


Powerful and fast archive manager. Support nearly any type of archive you can imagine – over 100 different file extensions.
Click “Launch online” to get started right away.

Launch PeaZip online

File Roller online via rollApp

File Roller

Simple and robust tool for extracting files from over 40 different types of archives and creating new ZIP, RAR and other archives.
Get started now! Click “Launch online” to open File Roller right in your browser.

Launch File Roller online

Also File Roller is available at the Chrome Web Store. That’s perfect for Chromebooks. After installing the Chrome app, you can work with file archives using familiar user interface:


If you have any questions or difficulties, don’t hesitate to contact us at
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Introducing rollMyFile - open any file online

From the very beginning rollApp allowed open files from Dropbox, Google Drive and other cloud storage. With our rich collection of apps you can always be sure that you will find necessary application for any particular type of file you have at hand.

Ever since then users kept asking for an ability to open files directly from their devices without having to upload them to Dropbox or the like first. And today we are ready to reveal our new product that does exactly that. Welcome rollMyFile!


Opening files from your computer is now as easy as dragging the onto the rollMyFile web page!

rollMyFile supports over 500 different types of files including:

  • eBooks: epub, fb2, djvu and others
  • zip, rar, and other archives
  • Documents: Microsoft Word files: doc, docx; Rich Text files: rtf;OpenOffice Writer files: odt; Word Perfect files: wpd; PDFs and others
  • Spreadsheets: Microsoft Excel files: xls, xlsx; OpenOffice Calc files: ods, ots; Comma-Separated Values files: csv
  • Presentations: Microsoft PowerPoint files: ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx; OpenOffice Impress files: odp, otp;
  • Graphics: jpg, png, bmp, gif, svg, tiff and many others including Adobe Photoshop’s psd and Adobe Illustrator’s ai;
  • Diagrams: Microsoft Visio files: vsd and others like dia, fig;
  • Publishing files: PostScript: eps, ps; Scribus files: scd, sla; and more;
  • Software source code with syntax highlighting
  • and more

rollMyFile comes with an API that allows developer to integrate file opening capabilities similar to what you can see on into their applications. Check out the API specification and signup for early access!

Our current and future rollApp users can open files from their devices from their home page on our newly redesigned site:

New rollApp user home page

rollApp users will also be able to save their changes to files opened via rollMyFile to their cloud storage.

Give rollMyFile a try now!

New Apps in the Cloud: GnoTime, ProjectLibre, gEDA, SciTe, Hearts

As you know, we are constantly expanding our collection of cloud applications. Recently we brought some new great applications to the cloud. Welcome GnoTime, ProjectLibre, gEDA, SciTe and Hearts! You can now use them online right from your browser.

GnoTime a program which allows you to track the time you spend on any number of tasks and projects. It’s a to-do list/diary/journal tool that can track the amount of time spent on projects, and, among other things, generate reports and invoices based on that time. It also has a multiple To-Do Lists, a pair of Diary/Journal, and other features.

ProjectLibre ProjectLibre is Microsoft Project alternative. It has a lot of features such as Microsoft Project replacement, Gantt Chart, new and updated version of OpenProj with hundreds of updates/bug fixes, earned Value Costing, PERT Charts, Project Management software, RBS Chart, and others.

gEDA is a toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and production. gEDA project offers a mature suite of applications for electronics design, including schematic capture, attribute management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, netlisting into over 20 netlist formats, and others.

SciTe is a SCIntilla based Text Editor with facilities for building and running programs. It is best used for jobs with simple configurations. SciTE can hold multiple files in memory at one time but only one file will be visible. There are two panes in SciTE, the editing pane and the output pane.

Hearts is a classic hearts card game. The app features configurable rulesets and editable computer opponents to satisfy widely diverging playing styles. The game of Hearts as currently known originated with a family of related games called Reversis, which became popular around 1750 in Spain. Play it right now!

What next apps would you like to see in our cloud apps collection? Share your ideas with us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or at

New Cloud Apps on rollApp

rollApp is a platform for apps virtualization. We have great cloud apps collection and we are constantly expanding it. Recently we brought new great applications to the cloud: Octave, Chess, Gnumeric, Hugin, Jabref. You can launch them and try online right from the browser.

Octave is a high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides capabilities for the numerical solution of linear and nonlinear problems, and for performing other numerical experiments. It also provides extensive graphics capabilities for data visualization and manipulation.

Chess is an 2D/3D chess game. Games can be played between human players or between human player and artificial intelligence as well. It has a clean and simple interface.

Gnumeric is a spreadsheet, a computer program used to manipulate and analyze numeric data. Gnumeric can help you keep track of information in lists, organize numeric values in columns and rows, perform and update complex calculations, create and display or print graphical plots of data, etc. Gnumeric can import and export data in several file formats.

Hugin is a panorama photo stitcher. With Hugin you can assemble a mosaic of photographs into a complete immersive panorama, stitch any series of overlapping pictures and much more. Hugin allows for the easy creation of control points between two images, optimization of the image transforms along with a preview window so the user can see whether the panorama is acceptable.

Jabref is a bibliography reference manager. It has a lot of features: advanced BibTeX editor, search functions, classification of entries, import of various formats (BibTeXML, CSA, Refer/Endnote, ISI Web of Science, SilverPlatter, Medline/Pubmed (xml), Scifinder, OVID, INSPEC, Biblioscape, Sixpack, JStor and RIS), built-in and custom export formats (HTML, Docbook, BibTeXML, MODS, RTF, Refer/Endnote and, etc

Let us know if you are looking for an app available online, on any device. We’ll add it our cloud apps collection if it’s possible. Contact us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or at