rollApp lets you run desktop apps, work with files, get things done — right from the browser on any device.

Game On! Naval Battle, Blinken and Knights Are Virtualized on rollApp

Today we’ve launched three new games on our Game Collection: a battleship, chess, and memory enhancement game. You can play them on your computer, iPad, Chromebook directly in the browser: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. 

Naval Battle is a battleship game. Ships are placed on a board which represents the sea. Players try to hit each others ships in turns without knowing where they are placed. The first player to destroy all ships wins the game. 

Blinken, a memory enhancement game, is based on an electronic game released in 1978, which challenges players to remember sequences of increasing length. On the screen, there are 4 different color buttons, each one with their own distinctive sound. These buttons light up randomly, creating the sequence that the player must then recall. If the player is successful in remembering the sequence of lights in the correct order, they advance to the next stage, where an identical sequence with one extra step is presented.

Knights, the game of chess, but with the knight moves. Moving your pieces, capture your opponent’s pieces until your opponent’s king is under attack and they have no move to stop the attack. 

“The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent.” ~ Fundamentals of Chess, 1883. 
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Getting Started with Office Apps on iPad: Saving and Opening Files in Cloud Storage

When you open an office app on your iPad on rollApp for the first time and then try to save or open a document, rollApp pops-up with a message saying No storage connected:

In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process of connecting a cloud storage account – Dropbox, Google Drive or Box – to your rollApp account, so you can quickly save or open files you need.  

1. You usually start from selecting an app in the App Collection or on special pages like OpenOffice or LibreOffice for iPad. 

2. Once you’re on the app page – let’s use OpenOffice Writer for this article – click Launch Online:

3. You’ll be redirected to the login page – choose the social login you prefer: Google, Facebook, Twitter or Yahoo. 

You provide login credentials directly to the social login provider of your choice. rollApp does not get access to your password.

4. The app is now loading to the browser: 

Shortly you’ll see OpenOffice Writer on your screen, and you’ll be able to work (save and open) with office documents and files. 

5. But as soon as you need to open or save a file with a help of the File menu, you’ll see the following message: 

That’s because saving and opening files requires a cloud storage service connected to your rollApp account. Well, you already have an rollApp account, remember the Step 3? We even sent you a welcome email. But what about online cloud storage? It’s not yet connected. Don’t panic, it’s easy! 

6. Let’s bring the app toolbar to the game and let’s use 3-finger tap for that: 

7.  Once you see the toolbar, click the folder icon:

8. In a new browser window you’ll be redirected to the Cloud Storage page – Click Connect New

9. In the appeared pop-up window, select a cloud storage service, say Dropbox, and click the ’connect’ link.  

10. If you’re not already logged to Dropbox in the same browser (Safari or Chrome), you’ll be prompted to sign-in to your Dropbox account to allow the connection with rollApp. Once done, you’ll see a confirmation window. Hang in there, we’re almost finished!

11. Now you can switch to the browser tab where OpenOffice Writer was initially opened. IMPORTANT: it takes some time for the app to “see” the newly connected cloud storage. Therefore, before using File > Save or Open, we recommend you to wait a bit (give it a minute or so).  

12. Double-tap the Dropbox folder on the saving or opening screen and you’re all set. 

Hope that helps. If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas, please let us know. 

- The rollApp team


Featured App: Manage Your Passwords from Google Drive or Dropbox using KeePassX

KeePassX on rollApp is a browser-based password manager for people with high requirements for secure personal data management. SHA-256, a 256-bit cryptographically secure one-way hash function, is used as password hash in KeePassX. Browser requirements are as follows: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari.

Why You Need It

KeePassX is a powerful password generation app for fast and easy creation of secure, strong and unique passwords. If you often create passwords and need to store them in a cloud environment, across your devices, give KeePassX a try – you’ll only have to create and remember one master password.

The app is the perfect fit for the growing community of Chromebook users as rollApp allows them to securely store passwords in Google Drive (Dropbox and Box are also supported).

How It Works 

KeePassX saves your passwords in a database stored in your cloud storage account (you have to connect cloud storage to your rollApp account to create, edit, and save files).

Once launched, KeePassX asks you to create a new database. By default, there are two groups in a new database: Internet and eMail. But it’s super easy to create a new category, if needed.

Secure Password Generator

While creating a new entry and generating a new password, a quality progress bar is shown above the password text box, indicating the password’s strength. Please note: the generated password can be displayed or hidden, click the eye icon next to the password text box to change the view.

Once you’ve created your passwords, you can copy them from the app and past them into the services you need to login to.

Import & Export 

Another neat feature of KeePassX is the ability to import and export passwords. The password list can be exported to various formats like TXT, HTML, XML and CSV. The CSVs can be imported by spreadsheet applications OpenOffice Calc.

More About The Encryption 

The complete database is always encrypted either with AES (alias Rijndael) or Twofish encryption algorithm using a 256-bit key. You’ll be able to access to the KeePassX database either with a password, a key file or even both for better protection. The complete database is encrypted, not only the password fields.

So if you want to manage your passwords in one place, launch KeePassX in your browser.

Always Be Saving — Closing Cloud Apps and Lid on Chromebook

For those who use rollApp applications and work completely in the cloud, we always recommend saving their work often to avoid losing any data. 

Traditionally, rollApp users have the following options:

  • File > Save for saving their work
  • File > Exit for safely closing applications, and it also asks to save your work 
But what happens if you need to put your Chromebook to sleep by closing the lid? That’s interesting.

When your Chromebook is closed, rollApp keeps your apps running in your rollApp account during about 10 minutes. During that time you can re-launch the apps from you laptop or any other supported device – no worries, your work will be saved across devices – just make sure you’re using the same rollApp account.

But if you wake up your Chromebook after the 10-minute interval, the app(s) will be disconnected from a rollApp server and some data won’t be saved. 

You can find active apps in the My running apps area. It will also show you the timer (how much time remains for a given app to be recovered), just click the app icon to re-launch it. 

So, in any case, before closing the lid, always use the File > Save/As option.

Related post:

Feature Highlight: How to Recover a Lost App

rollApp Has Launched a Web-based Version of LibreCAD, Sudoku, and Reversi

Today we’ve virtualized three more apps to our App Collection, giving anyone with a web browser the chance to create professional 2D drawings and encourage logical thinking by playing puzzles. 

LibreCAD, a fully comprehensive 2D CAD application that comes with a range of tools to create 2D drawings for industrial design. The Web app has an easy to use and customizable interface, allows using layers to create your drawing and offers the ability to quickly measure lengths and dimensions right inside the drawing. It’s integrated with your cloud storage account: Google Drive, Dropbox or Box. 

Your 2D CAD software as a Web app on rollApp

Sudoku, a legendary logic-based, combinatorial number-placement puzzle. In spite of the simplicity of the game, Sudoku puzzles can vary widely in their difficulty. Sudoku allows you to select the difficulty of the puzzle you want to play.

Cloud-based Sudoku, perfect for your Chromebook or iPad

Reversi, a simple one player strategy game played against the computer. The modern version is based on the game Reversi that was invented in 1883 and gained considerable popularity in England at the end of the nineteenth century.

Reversi on rollApp, browser requirements: Chrome, Firefox, Safari

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